Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine Moments


I could almost make out your figure
Through the darkness in which we sat
So I sat and I listened
And I felt your every word
As they lingered in the black.

I closed my eyes...
But I opened them shortly...
For I missed you in that span.
Your fragrance enticed my nostrils
Your voice welcomed me back
Your actions called for my attention
Your wisdom rang in my ear.
You kept me up late last night
And you weren't even here.
© 1975

Realize that someone is always thinking about you, and thus you are always loved. Every expression of love is equal to the happiest of Valentine's Moments, as is every expression of self love. Spread, share, enjoy... and S.H.I.N.E. ...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Does a J.O.B. Define Your L.I.F.E.?

I listened to radio station V103/Chicago discussing whether or not men let a job define them. I didn’t get the chance to get through, so here’s my take.

To me a job is J.O.B. – Just Over Broke! Now, that’s not one of my original acronyms, but I don’t know who to give the credit to. So as I teach my Job Skills Training class I open each class by reminding attendees that we are not put on this earth be just over broke, but to flourish… thus, I upgrade the class to being one that focuses on L.I.F.E. – Lessons Intended For Everyone. See, that’s one of mine.

Let’s focus on the joy in getting another opportunity to experience this gift we have been granted today. Today you have another chance to learn something about yourself through your experiences.

Thus, back to the concept of self-definition…. My father raised me to understand that I work with people, at a job, for myself… the truth being that that mindset makes you valuable to every company. Because there is something you’ll do for you, which you might not do for the company. And when you do, they’ll benefit. A job does not define you. It is a segment in a life that should S.H.I.N.E.

The Master of Listening

The Master of Listening
... and Smiling