Saturday, October 24, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

If you're scared, you're in one of the best positions you could find yourself in. Why? Because when you're scared, it means you'll take your time, dot the eyes, cross the T's and get the job done. And though fear is not the best motivator, it's one of the most lasting. I hope you don't need to be scared into being successful. But if you are, you'll probably be more careful and be sure to make it last.



Well...not "the" Stevie Wonder
But he was a blind guy who I met at a concert.
And (OK) it was more like a conversation
that could've been an interview...

Anyway, he introduced himself as F.W. and we began:

He said he grew up around NYC - "No You Can't. . ."
Went to school at UCLA -
University on the Corner of Left-out Avenue. . .
Majored in Survival. . .
Lost his family in the supermarket. . .
And his favorite color was black. . . .
Needless to say, he had a sense of humor.

But his sense helped me enjoy the concert.
He taught me to touch the drums...taste the horns...
smell the bass...hear the melody...and see the crescendo....

F.W. wasn't born blind
As he put it, "It was an acquired skill"
And as he bid me good night, he said
"Swallow your pride and get a new cologne,
I may not see you around, but I'll be in touch."
I said "I hear you" - and we both laughed.

He gave me a Braille business card.
On the other side it said
All That I've Lost
Becomes My Gain

And his name,
Faith Walk

Reader, we are all on a Faith Walk. A Faith Walk is a necessary belief in yourself that says when one door closes, another will always open. Not that it would be a good idea... high probability... great thing to happen... another door will "ALWAYS" open. A Faith Walk is using our lives to live our lives. Recognizing that no obstacle is insurmountable, and that the only thing that we can't do is give up. In fact, I’ve got a new perspective for you: when one door closes, go for the windows! When you go for the windows you’ll put yourself in position to have a clear vision of what your choices are…
and we all have made good choices.

If you'll take the time to sit down and think about something or someone you've "lost," what you'll also tap into is the new level of strength you gained as a result. Before the loss, you probably thought you could never survive _____ or do without ____ . Yet you have. No, it may not have been easy.
Perhaps you mourned or were in pain
for several days, weeks, months, years...
yet you're handling it better than you thought you might.

Think about that loss and reread the above poem. Think about what you've seen someone else lose, and how they grew through the experience. Think about the blessing of the chance to use your life to live your life. Enjoy your Faith Walk… as you SHINE!

© 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

I’ve always used “Better, Easier, Smarter, Tougher” to describe this acronym… talking about how we grow through practicing and focusing on the basics to become successful.

Recently, a good friend of mine, who is beginning her journey toward becoming a professional speaker, asked me to be one of her mentors. As we began to take her steps, she asked for some insight. When I responded, she expressed her appreciation, and we volleyed online. Here is the volley:

Sylvia D.: Thanks, I tried to come up with an acronym for best, but couldn't, so, I just say, you are the BEST!

SK: Bible Encourages Sporty's Testimony
Basically Enabling Sylvia's Too

SD: What a gift!
SK: Yeahhhh, probably because
Believing Essentially Strengthens Testimonies

As you grow in your speaking ministry, the key will be to release your creativity and see the world through 'your' eyes, rather than your audience's. Instead of saying (to yourself) that you can't come up with something... find a way. After all, that's what you're instructing your audience to do...

SD: What a profound statement, "see the world through 'your' eyes, rather than your audiences". I read that over and over again. I believe part of my fear of speaking is because I think I don't have anything to say. In fact, the reason we go to hear "motivational" speakers is because their testimony may help us in some way in our own life. We, or at least I never think about the fact that in sharing their testimony, they are helping us to see the world in their eyes or in a "different way", thereby offering a different perspective to the challenge or challenges we might be facing at the time. That's what it's about helping people to see things differently.

Thanks for the insight!

Sorry for babbling

SK: Awareness usually equals babble because it equals excitement! Nothing more exciting than being connected to your personal power through God's word. (ooh, that's a good one... I'll have to use it again)

You've definitely got a message and a lot to say. Start with reading 1 Peter 11: Are you called to be a speaker? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Are you called to help others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then God will be given glory in everything thorough Jesus Christ.

I've got that posted at my desk to remind and strengthen me. What signs do you have on your walls at home or at work? That's where you feed.

Galatians 6:4-5
Be sure to do what you should, for then you will enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done your work well, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own conduct.

As I closed in my volley with Sylvia, I close in saying to you:

Pace yourself. You're on track,

Monday, October 5, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

One of the callings I enjoy is my conducting a Job Skills Training class at a family services center. Of course I start out reminding attendees that they are not to focus on a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) situation, when they should be focusing on L.I.F.E. (Lessons Intended For Everyone). Some of the lessons I share are through my original poetry. This one is a message “about” attendees, “to” messengers: case workers, educators, supervisors, parents, perhaps even you, and certainly me….


Every time I talk to my mirror
My revelation is the same
I can’t save the world
From all the injustice and the pain.

Yet, as I look around at the lives I touch
I’m reminded of something I fear
That my success might make me forget
About those who need me to care.

I could spend all my time with the media
And say that none of “them” are willing to work hard.
Or I can be thankful that I have the chance to make a difference
And recognize that chance as a grace from my God.

I can feed my spirit with my own personal thanks
Not “expecting” showers of praise from the people I serve
And I can relax knowing that I’ve done my best
Treating each person with the respect they deserve.

I can look back at the times I almost lost my temper
Now understanding that my disappointment was really concern
For who I thought was mature enough to take responsibility
Was actually only old enough to learn.

I can only help those who are willing to help themselves
By helping myself remain true
To the message I get from my mirror:
I can’t save the world
But I can save you!
© 2000 Sporty King

The Master of Listening

The Master of Listening
... and Smiling