Hey Subsribers
Thank you for following my blog, and sharing your smile at the screen, even when you did not comment. As you may have seen from a prior post, I am now establishing a rule that there will be no non-English language posts on the blog. This decision is based on the fact that I clicked on the "name" of a submitted comment. It took me to a porn site. That has not happened with every foreign signature post, however I institute this rule especially to remind you that the public nature of the internet enables anyone to 'find' a way to contact you.
You do not get a virus from opening an email. You get the virus from following the link inside the message. My recommendation is usually to not open mail from unknown sources. I even tell people I meet to be sure to put something in the subject line that indicates how we met...
As I posted to the comment that was sent, what he/she said was not offensive. Fortunately it was in English so I could make that determination. I have gone through the archives and deleted the body copy of any posts in the (apparent) Asian dialect used. Since no effort was made to sign on to follow this blog, I must believe that the intent was not in accordance with my goal.
Continue to enjoy the positive nature of this blog, as I'm sure they have.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Greatness Approved
You wouldn’t believe what I’ve saved for last in my testimonious recount of my relocation to Charlotte… it’s my ability to blog as I have, for free.
When I moved my stuff down here in June, I was all prepared to get some paperwork caught up before returning to Chicago. However, when I clicked the switch on my computer it did not turn on. It made noise, but nothing appeared on the screen. Alas, there were no margaritas in sight, so I did what I could to fix the problem: I called my I.T. person, Jessel Bruce, in Chicago.
Back in Chicago, he opened up the computer and diagnosed a worn out motor (could my computer be related to my car?), yet he would be able to get the part and fix it. He did not have to go to Tennessee or Kentucky to do so. And when he returned the computer tower to me, he advised me that it was also wireless compatible… that I should see if I could get a signal without subscribing to an internet service.
HELLO… you’re reading from my free access to the internet… albeit the signal I receive is weak and I sometimes get cut off before I’m finished with whatever I’m doing. However this has helped me with my time management, resourcefulness, focus and relocation. It has saved me from being stuck online at a time where I need to be working more toward refining my message. When I get online I am more prepared and succinct in answering email, marketing and prospecting. My creativity works well in short places and under pressure. I believe this blog is but one example of that. And I also found the local library, got my library card and am now able to book time on their computers.
Wonderfully, this free access lifts the burden off of my budgetary rape from the car. Still, I won’t get hooked on it. In October I’ll subscribe and pay for high speed access.
My relocation to Charlotte actually began in 1984, when I visited as part of my sales territory while selling advertising at The Wall Street Journal. I decided, “I’m gonna live here one day….” I even gave my boss a proposal to let me open an office and work from Charlotte. “One day” is here, and God has approved my proposal. Nothing will stop me from enjoying the success ahead of me that I recognize from the success behind me.
How has your greatness been approved?
When I moved my stuff down here in June, I was all prepared to get some paperwork caught up before returning to Chicago. However, when I clicked the switch on my computer it did not turn on. It made noise, but nothing appeared on the screen. Alas, there were no margaritas in sight, so I did what I could to fix the problem: I called my I.T. person, Jessel Bruce, in Chicago.
Back in Chicago, he opened up the computer and diagnosed a worn out motor (could my computer be related to my car?), yet he would be able to get the part and fix it. He did not have to go to Tennessee or Kentucky to do so. And when he returned the computer tower to me, he advised me that it was also wireless compatible… that I should see if I could get a signal without subscribing to an internet service.
HELLO… you’re reading from my free access to the internet… albeit the signal I receive is weak and I sometimes get cut off before I’m finished with whatever I’m doing. However this has helped me with my time management, resourcefulness, focus and relocation. It has saved me from being stuck online at a time where I need to be working more toward refining my message. When I get online I am more prepared and succinct in answering email, marketing and prospecting. My creativity works well in short places and under pressure. I believe this blog is but one example of that. And I also found the local library, got my library card and am now able to book time on their computers.
Wonderfully, this free access lifts the burden off of my budgetary rape from the car. Still, I won’t get hooked on it. In October I’ll subscribe and pay for high speed access.
My relocation to Charlotte actually began in 1984, when I visited as part of my sales territory while selling advertising at The Wall Street Journal. I decided, “I’m gonna live here one day….” I even gave my boss a proposal to let me open an office and work from Charlotte. “One day” is here, and God has approved my proposal. Nothing will stop me from enjoying the success ahead of me that I recognize from the success behind me.
How has your greatness been approved?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Whelmed… not over-whelmed
When you work for God you get a lot to do because you believe in his will. If you’re not being given a lot to do you can enjoy being that too.
© 2009
Wellllll… I didn’t tell you about my actual 2010 introduction to Charlotte…. I’ve actually been a resident since June 1, when I drove my stuff down from Chicago. Three friends (Barry Mixon, Mike Simmons and Tommie Hubbard) (former New Yorkers, with Mike & Tommie having grown up on the same block as me) in Chicago helped me load the 16’ truck on Sunday, May 30. Barry packed the truck like a professional, showing us how important it is to ‘layer’ the loading. I’m not gonna try to explain.
Unfortunately, neither of the 3 was in Charlotte to help me unload. So I unloaded for 2 days, in 5 shifts, beginning at 11am. I wasn’t worried about anyone helping. Just smiled and encouraged myself to enjoy the exercise. Still, I prayed that I get help with my mattress, as it was the only wobbly thing that I would not be able to load onto the hand-truck and ease down the steps. You half-guessed it… a guy showed up when I was half way down, and offered to assist. It was 5pm, and time to end Shift 2 because I had enough stuff in to get some rest. Barry must have known… he had positioned the mattress in the perfect spot on the truck. Wellllll… that’s not the story.
Thursday, June 3 I returned the truck to Budget Rentals. On Friday, June 4 it was time to pick up my rental car to drive back to Chicago on Saturday. I took the city bus to the airport Budget Car counter. After 90% of our process was complete the agent informed me that the system was denying me rental based on my credit score, and that I would have to dial the 800 number… which gave me nothing but automated prompts to contact them online and by snail mail.
Wellllll… there was no place for me to have a margarita, so I sat down and proceeded to call my bank. The agent informed me that there was nothing the bank could do; because there was nothing wrong with my account… it was my credit score. I thanked him for sharing his 16 year experience with me, yet informed him that I didn’t have many other options and wanted to ‘hear’ my bank. Ultimately my bank did tell me the same thing the agent told me.
Knowing that I had no intention of being stuck in Charlotte, I calmly asked the agent to give me other options. He finally came up with the idea that Hertz might rent, since they were the only agency that didn’t require an airline ticket from an out of state renter. He drove me to their lot.
While on line I weighed the pros & cons of being waited on by the rookie rental agent: would she skip a step, or follow the rule tighter than the experienced agent? She ended up needing the help from the experienced agent PLUS the shift supervisor (yikes!). The supervisor followed the rule tight… and handed me the keys to the car. I congratulated and blessed the rookie on her new career. It was good to see someone excited about learning.
When I left the lot I drove back to Budget and located the agent who had assisted me. I assured him that he had been a blessing to many people in the past that probably had not gotten the chance to thank him… so I wanted to take the time to do so. In fact, on behalf of those whom you’ve helped by doing your job… thank you.
How appreciated do you feel about the job you do? Do you feel over whelmed… or whelmed?
© 2009
Wellllll… I didn’t tell you about my actual 2010 introduction to Charlotte…. I’ve actually been a resident since June 1, when I drove my stuff down from Chicago. Three friends (Barry Mixon, Mike Simmons and Tommie Hubbard) (former New Yorkers, with Mike & Tommie having grown up on the same block as me) in Chicago helped me load the 16’ truck on Sunday, May 30. Barry packed the truck like a professional, showing us how important it is to ‘layer’ the loading. I’m not gonna try to explain.
Unfortunately, neither of the 3 was in Charlotte to help me unload. So I unloaded for 2 days, in 5 shifts, beginning at 11am. I wasn’t worried about anyone helping. Just smiled and encouraged myself to enjoy the exercise. Still, I prayed that I get help with my mattress, as it was the only wobbly thing that I would not be able to load onto the hand-truck and ease down the steps. You half-guessed it… a guy showed up when I was half way down, and offered to assist. It was 5pm, and time to end Shift 2 because I had enough stuff in to get some rest. Barry must have known… he had positioned the mattress in the perfect spot on the truck. Wellllll… that’s not the story.
Thursday, June 3 I returned the truck to Budget Rentals. On Friday, June 4 it was time to pick up my rental car to drive back to Chicago on Saturday. I took the city bus to the airport Budget Car counter. After 90% of our process was complete the agent informed me that the system was denying me rental based on my credit score, and that I would have to dial the 800 number… which gave me nothing but automated prompts to contact them online and by snail mail.
Wellllll… there was no place for me to have a margarita, so I sat down and proceeded to call my bank. The agent informed me that there was nothing the bank could do; because there was nothing wrong with my account… it was my credit score. I thanked him for sharing his 16 year experience with me, yet informed him that I didn’t have many other options and wanted to ‘hear’ my bank. Ultimately my bank did tell me the same thing the agent told me.
Knowing that I had no intention of being stuck in Charlotte, I calmly asked the agent to give me other options. He finally came up with the idea that Hertz might rent, since they were the only agency that didn’t require an airline ticket from an out of state renter. He drove me to their lot.
While on line I weighed the pros & cons of being waited on by the rookie rental agent: would she skip a step, or follow the rule tighter than the experienced agent? She ended up needing the help from the experienced agent PLUS the shift supervisor (yikes!). The supervisor followed the rule tight… and handed me the keys to the car. I congratulated and blessed the rookie on her new career. It was good to see someone excited about learning.
When I left the lot I drove back to Budget and located the agent who had assisted me. I assured him that he had been a blessing to many people in the past that probably had not gotten the chance to thank him… so I wanted to take the time to do so. In fact, on behalf of those whom you’ve helped by doing your job… thank you.
How appreciated do you feel about the job you do? Do you feel over whelmed… or whelmed?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
When speaking before an audience your focus must be on 'you' ... not the audience. How you deliver your message is key. And the focus on you does not exclude the audience... it adds value, in that as you reach you with the truth, whomever else you're supposed to reach, God will handle...
© May 2010
As I humbly soaked in the celebration party thrown for me in Chicago on June 24… I was blessed to deliver the following message. To quickly set the scene, picture that there was a sign posted as people entered, saying “Fair Well Sporty.” Thus I began by telling the audience that we had purposely spelled “FAIR” that way to create the message.
The F is for F.E.A.R. (Faith Eventually Attracts Resources). Stepping out on faith is far more than a cliché. People don't jump to support you, because they can't see your vision. They wonder why you would leave security to test God's will. Once they see that you are serious about your gift, they begin to support you. My move is a sign of how I have to comply with the Biblical principle that we are honored away from home and family...
A is for Angel, and is in the middle of my life belief that it's EASY (Expect Angels to Save You)... pray and get out of the way. We have to believe so strongly in what we're doing, because we 'do' know that we're sitting among angels who may take us down the path we need. Being who you are gives you access to that blessing. A radio personality from WGCI sang her original song before I spoke. It had something to do with being easy to love, etc... She rocked.
I is for God... I am! And it reminds us that we have to put ourselves first. You can't help anyone without helping yourself, and you can't help anyone who doesn't want your help. Take care of your physical, mental and spiritual well being, to be the biggest aid you can to share your gift with the world. I'm making this move as Joseph in Genesis... going forward to prepare a way. I empower audiences to look out for themselves... how could I not do the same for myself?
R is for R.I.S.K. (Recognition Is Success' Key)... when you know who you are, you take more chances, and you get more challenges. As you walk (move) toward God's will/destiny for you, obstacles MUST come in your way because you are taking on the blessing you were sent to. The Devil now has to step up his efforts to side track you. However, God just lets him create stumbles. Remember, Satan had to 'ask' for permission to attack JOB... and you. I don't give him credit for anything that happens in my life. Why would I give credit to someone who has to ask for permission? God creates the stumbles to prove I am following his trail.
Stay creative and keep moving forward in your business and life. Don't worry; you can't get rid of me just because of mileage. Stay focused on the outgrowths of your success, rather than concerning yourself with the fatalities. Remember, just like a game of chess, someone has to be sacrificed for the greater good. If you seek the good, I'm glad to be in position to help when/where I can.
Who have you reached lately, just by reaching/being you?
© May 2010
As I humbly soaked in the celebration party thrown for me in Chicago on June 24… I was blessed to deliver the following message. To quickly set the scene, picture that there was a sign posted as people entered, saying “Fair Well Sporty.” Thus I began by telling the audience that we had purposely spelled “FAIR” that way to create the message.
The F is for F.E.A.R. (Faith Eventually Attracts Resources). Stepping out on faith is far more than a cliché. People don't jump to support you, because they can't see your vision. They wonder why you would leave security to test God's will. Once they see that you are serious about your gift, they begin to support you. My move is a sign of how I have to comply with the Biblical principle that we are honored away from home and family...
A is for Angel, and is in the middle of my life belief that it's EASY (Expect Angels to Save You)... pray and get out of the way. We have to believe so strongly in what we're doing, because we 'do' know that we're sitting among angels who may take us down the path we need. Being who you are gives you access to that blessing. A radio personality from WGCI sang her original song before I spoke. It had something to do with being easy to love, etc... She rocked.
I is for God... I am! And it reminds us that we have to put ourselves first. You can't help anyone without helping yourself, and you can't help anyone who doesn't want your help. Take care of your physical, mental and spiritual well being, to be the biggest aid you can to share your gift with the world. I'm making this move as Joseph in Genesis... going forward to prepare a way. I empower audiences to look out for themselves... how could I not do the same for myself?
R is for R.I.S.K. (Recognition Is Success' Key)... when you know who you are, you take more chances, and you get more challenges. As you walk (move) toward God's will/destiny for you, obstacles MUST come in your way because you are taking on the blessing you were sent to. The Devil now has to step up his efforts to side track you. However, God just lets him create stumbles. Remember, Satan had to 'ask' for permission to attack JOB... and you. I don't give him credit for anything that happens in my life. Why would I give credit to someone who has to ask for permission? God creates the stumbles to prove I am following his trail.
Stay creative and keep moving forward in your business and life. Don't worry; you can't get rid of me just because of mileage. Stay focused on the outgrowths of your success, rather than concerning yourself with the fatalities. Remember, just like a game of chess, someone has to be sacrificed for the greater good. If you seek the good, I'm glad to be in position to help when/where I can.
Who have you reached lately, just by reaching/being you?
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Everybody's Got One...
There’s a book inside each of us. Whether we determine to (or deter from) writing it is the difference.
© July 2010
Thus, here I am writing more about the Plan…. On Tuesday, July 13, I went to get an oil change at Wal Mart. Afterwards they recommended I get a new battery and air filter some time in the near future. Having just come through my last testimony, I saw no reason to jump into another one, so I decided that the “near future” was immediately. Unfortunately they did not have my battery, so I went to Sam’s (all this free advertising!!!).
On Thursday, July 15, I drove to Atlanta for the weekend, to hang out with family and friends. Because I did, I didn’t do much driving while there. In fact I stayed with a married couple whom I had introduced to one another 25+ years ago. I’ve been brokering good deals for a long time (count your blessings)!!! Upon driving back on Sunday, July 19, I got and installed the air filter.
Wednesday, July 21 I went out to open the windows of the car and cool it out before heading out to do laundry. When I returned to the car (3 minutes later) it wouldn’t start… the windows wouldn’t go back up… nothing. After about 20 minutes a neighbor came by, and I asked for a jump. He turned out to be a native New Yorker… great conversation about our Yankees, etc. I drove to Sam’s for them to test the battery. They said they hoped it wasn’t the alternator. I hoped too. They tested. It was a bad battery… which had been made and brought from the manufacturer a month ago. They gave me a new battery, after testing it.
Did I mention that in the midst of all this I got a call from the Charlotte Urban League, whom I met with in April when I came down to find my apartment? I now have my first contract, and will be doing Life Skills training through them from September to December, two weeks a month. I also passed my driver’s license written exam, and will become an official southerner when I get my license in the mail next week
I had to write 2 friends from Chicago, whom I was scheduled to meet in Raleigh this weekend. Because of the testimonies, I had made the tough decision to remain budget conscious, and not make the trip. They wrote back, happily letting me know that they had cancelled due to an airfare increase. I’m looking forward to spending my first weekend in Charlotte. At least that’s my Plan….
© July 2010
Thus, here I am writing more about the Plan…. On Tuesday, July 13, I went to get an oil change at Wal Mart. Afterwards they recommended I get a new battery and air filter some time in the near future. Having just come through my last testimony, I saw no reason to jump into another one, so I decided that the “near future” was immediately. Unfortunately they did not have my battery, so I went to Sam’s (all this free advertising!!!).
On Thursday, July 15, I drove to Atlanta for the weekend, to hang out with family and friends. Because I did, I didn’t do much driving while there. In fact I stayed with a married couple whom I had introduced to one another 25+ years ago. I’ve been brokering good deals for a long time (count your blessings)!!! Upon driving back on Sunday, July 19, I got and installed the air filter.
Wednesday, July 21 I went out to open the windows of the car and cool it out before heading out to do laundry. When I returned to the car (3 minutes later) it wouldn’t start… the windows wouldn’t go back up… nothing. After about 20 minutes a neighbor came by, and I asked for a jump. He turned out to be a native New Yorker… great conversation about our Yankees, etc. I drove to Sam’s for them to test the battery. They said they hoped it wasn’t the alternator. I hoped too. They tested. It was a bad battery… which had been made and brought from the manufacturer a month ago. They gave me a new battery, after testing it.
Did I mention that in the midst of all this I got a call from the Charlotte Urban League, whom I met with in April when I came down to find my apartment? I now have my first contract, and will be doing Life Skills training through them from September to December, two weeks a month. I also passed my driver’s license written exam, and will become an official southerner when I get my license in the mail next week
I had to write 2 friends from Chicago, whom I was scheduled to meet in Raleigh this weekend. Because of the testimonies, I had made the tough decision to remain budget conscious, and not make the trip. They wrote back, happily letting me know that they had cancelled due to an airfare increase. I’m looking forward to spending my first weekend in Charlotte. At least that’s my Plan….
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Note to Readers...
Over the past several months I have received comments written in (apparent) Asian dialect. I have not posted them because I have no idea what they're saying. However... since I believe positive people read this message, I have decided to publish them.
My apologies if you are from abroad and have commented, then wondered why it was not posted. Is there a way you can let me know how you're reading the blog... and how I might be able to convert your comments to English?
My apologies if you are from abroad and have commented, then wondered why it was not posted. Is there a way you can let me know how you're reading the blog... and how I might be able to convert your comments to English?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Plan
Challenges are God’s way of letting you know he’s got bigger plans for you. As you eclipse them you become more confident and believe you can handle the Plan. Then the Plan unfolds… sometimes making you wish you had enjoyed the challenge more. I’m excited to say that I have consistently gotten to the point where I don’t get that knot in my stomach when an obstacle pops up.
As I was relocating from Chicago to Charlotte on Tuesday, July 6… my car cut off (while driving) on the Interstate in Corbin, Kentucky. Since it was early evening, all the tow truck could do was drop my 1993 Toyota Camry at the mechanic for an overnight stay. I did my part toward helping fix the problem: I went and had a margarita.
Shortly after getting the word (on Wednesday) that my car’s motor was no good, and considering the cost in the option to replace or fix it… the electrical power went out in the area. That shut down 4 hotels, 1 gas station, 3 restaurants, 3 fast food restaurants, a movie theatre, and the phone lines. I sat and wrote, “My challenge is small in comparison. Somewhere, something else is making this AREA smaller…. Anger is not a good use of time.” Find a way to reconnect to the joy and beauty of being blessed enough to get bumped. I went and had a margarita.
Wednesday morning my high school roommate, Marvin (who lives in New Jersey) called me from Knoxville, Tennessee, where he was visiting his family. Knoxville is 85 miles from Corbin, KY. He came and picked me up that night. On Thursday his brother, Horace, used his connections to help me purchase a car at the auto auction. OK, not just a car… a 1998 Toyota Camry… for $1,500.
On Friday I got the radiator and windshield fixed, got a haircut, had a celebratory margarita, and played pool with Marvin and his 3 brothers. Saturday at 6:30am I headed back to Corbin to transfer my belongings from one Camry to the other, while the mechanic switched the wheels from the old to the new. I left him the car to sell for parts, and headed for Charlotte (once again). I’m here now awaiting the next challenge... (at least, that's my Plan....)
Meanwhile, no, I’m not promoting alcohol (nor working on a tequila sponsorship). I’m reminding you that operating within your limits is the best road to travel. When you get bumped from your path, don’t get angry or frustrated.
What do you do to activate your gift for overcoming challenges and reconnecting to your Plan?
As I was relocating from Chicago to Charlotte on Tuesday, July 6… my car cut off (while driving) on the Interstate in Corbin, Kentucky. Since it was early evening, all the tow truck could do was drop my 1993 Toyota Camry at the mechanic for an overnight stay. I did my part toward helping fix the problem: I went and had a margarita.
Shortly after getting the word (on Wednesday) that my car’s motor was no good, and considering the cost in the option to replace or fix it… the electrical power went out in the area. That shut down 4 hotels, 1 gas station, 3 restaurants, 3 fast food restaurants, a movie theatre, and the phone lines. I sat and wrote, “My challenge is small in comparison. Somewhere, something else is making this AREA smaller…. Anger is not a good use of time.” Find a way to reconnect to the joy and beauty of being blessed enough to get bumped. I went and had a margarita.
Wednesday morning my high school roommate, Marvin (who lives in New Jersey) called me from Knoxville, Tennessee, where he was visiting his family. Knoxville is 85 miles from Corbin, KY. He came and picked me up that night. On Thursday his brother, Horace, used his connections to help me purchase a car at the auto auction. OK, not just a car… a 1998 Toyota Camry… for $1,500.
On Friday I got the radiator and windshield fixed, got a haircut, had a celebratory margarita, and played pool with Marvin and his 3 brothers. Saturday at 6:30am I headed back to Corbin to transfer my belongings from one Camry to the other, while the mechanic switched the wheels from the old to the new. I left him the car to sell for parts, and headed for Charlotte (once again). I’m here now awaiting the next challenge... (at least, that's my Plan....)
Meanwhile, no, I’m not promoting alcohol (nor working on a tequila sponsorship). I’m reminding you that operating within your limits is the best road to travel. When you get bumped from your path, don’t get angry or frustrated.
What do you do to activate your gift for overcoming challenges and reconnecting to your Plan?
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