Thursday, January 22, 2009

Every Dream Needs a Source and a Seed...

I watched HIStory unfold from my seat before the TV... and what a great spectator site it turned out to be. I took over 120 pictures with my iPhone, and consider this to be one of my favorites. May it remind you of the responsibility we have to be on the minds of our young people. Thus we must choose our words carefully when speaking with them.

When we sow positivity, W.O.R.D.S. = What Others Remember & Digest Strengthen Spirits: You look great... I'm so proud of you... You're such a blessing... I'm glad you're so lively....

When we sow negativity, W.O.R.D.S. = What Others Remember Destroys Spirits: You look terrible... I'm so ashamed of you... You'll never amount to anything... I wish you were never born....

What are your words doing?


  1. Words are very powerful and I try to sow into spirits especially with all of the negative messages they are already receiving.

    I am proud to say that I am changing the way I speak to the young people I work with. I wasn't speaking to them in a bad way. However, I wasn't speaking to them as well I could have.

    Also, I have been having one-on-one conversations with them which opened doors of understanding.

  2. Great to hear it. Add one more mindset... speak "with" them, rather than "to" them (or anyone else), for best results (I've updated the post to show the same). Your one-on-ones are padding that road. Remember, the teenage years are where many start trying to (secretly) separate themselves from the crowd. They're seeking their identity, and probably get a huge boost from the respect you show in treating them as a person rather than one of "these kids of today." In fact, you're giving them the chance to be a child....


The Master of Listening

The Master of Listening
... and Smiling