Monday, August 30, 2010

... How I Feel Affects Other People.

Leaving is easy for me.
Not because I don’t care, but because I do.
My spirit is free and freely used to foster God’s will.
Remember, God doesn’t ask if we think
we’ll like his next move with us.
He just tells us what it is. I hear him clearly,
so don’t get attached to my life (meaning where I am).

It’s part of what I speak about.

Where are you in His will?

Friday, August 27, 2010

... How I Feel Affects Other People.

Today begins my Golden Year:
55 Born in ’55

Enjoying life is pretty much my favorite pastime.
I don’t spend time denying or hiding my age
because I’ve worked hard to get here.
And I can’t think of giving a single day back.
Changing the circumstances of any past day
takes away from your legacy.

So I celebrate with my favorite food: edible…
my favorite drink: liquid…
my favorite beer: cold…
my favorite day: TO…
and my favorite night: TO.

And I celebrate with your eyes, smiles and spirit.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How I Feel Affects Other People!

Being resourceful has not hindered me, but made me look forward to backing up to the wall. It has strengthened me to know that there is a wall and that I can keep fighting without worrying about being pushed off a cliff. Turning around to look for the cliff creates fear through expressing a time limit and boundary. I have time and guidelines to live for.

People ‘say’ you have no guarantee of tomorrow, yet constantly build upon today for tomorrow. I don’t ‘build’ upon today. I ‘use up’ today or take it to its highest height. When I fall it will be such a long flight to the bottom I’ll have time to learn to fly.

I guess that’s what being an angel is all about.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

You Are GOOD

When we don't take the time to express how good we are, we sometimes lose the opportunity to be as good as we are. ~Sporty King


Sometimes I wish I were lucky
Instead of just so . . . good.
If I could just be lucky
I might share my luck
No (in fact) I know I would.

Some people say that I'm lucky
I correct and remind them that I'm blessed
I'm spiritual, fortunate, in tune with myself
Nothing outweighs my thirst for happiness

You see luck, itself, doesn't last
It supplies a glimmer of hope or chance
Luck forces you to take risks
Being blessed allows you to take a stand

Luck can give you that "On top of the world" feeling
That instant fix of elation
Being fortunate keeps you "on top of the world"
And allows you to enjoy the sensation.

Spirituality is such a popular thing now
But it means much more than meets the eye
If you get lucky enough to get spiritual
Hold on, don't let that spirit die

If you get lucky enough to find yourself
Enjoy the challenge of introspection
Realize its value toward your growth

Understand that you're supposed to have success
Your purpose is ordained
You must choose to lead a prosperous life
You must make sunshine out of rain

But, I must admit
Sometimes I wish I were lucky
Instead of just so . . . good
But would I stand out from the rest?

If you're lucky
you can be in good company
If you're blessed you can be with the best

© 1990 Sporty King

Monday, August 23, 2010

... How I Feel Affects Other People.

Are you focusing on the Bottom Line?
Wondering why he didn’t finish this… or how she couldn’t do that…
or what will happen if we can’t because they won’t since most people don’t…?
Or have you figured out that you can’t get to the Bottom Line…
until you deal with the Top Line:

How I feel affects other people…
how other people feel affects my business….

Blogging with Sporty King, The Master of Listening
Reminds you what The Top Line Is…

Personal/Professional Growth through discussions about
Life, Leadership and Literacy
Sign up to follow this blog, and find yourself talking to the screen
about how you feel about how you affect other people.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I Love My Family

Last weekend I was given the blessing of sharing in the lives of generations of some of the most precious people in my life: my family. I only say “some” because there were ‘two’ I didn’t get to see.

As I rolled into New York City on Friday evening my sister, Zytiin called to check my arrival time. I was where I could meet her to go food shopping and carry stuff so she could avoid aggravating recent surgery. One of her dearest friends, Nancy was in town from Florida. We laughed until we fell asleep.

Saturday morning we went to see our sister-in-law, Monica participate as the youngest in her ‘seasoned’ citizens’ synchronized swimming showcase. One of my adopted nieces, Jessica (16) accompanied us, as well as Nancy’s son, Isaiah (18). Monica’s daughters (my nieces), Trishon and Qianna joined us, with my great nieces, Mineu (7) and N’More (2) … and great nephew, Skyler (9). From there I, Zyt and her friend Carol went to Morningside Park for my brother Travis’ annual cookout. Besides all of his boys, who are my adopted younger brothers… I hung out with my younger brothers Vaughn and Hassan. My elder cousin Kenny was there with his daughter Kendra (12). My nieces Nachez (17) and Breanna (16) brought smiles to my face, as did nephew Travis (1), who calmly shrugs his shoulders when you tell him to show “I don’t know.”

Nephew Tyvon, niece Viilorii, great nephews Nathaneal and Caleb showed up that afternoon, my cousins Todd and Rhonda showed up later that evening, and I got to meet 4 nieces I’d never met before.

Sunday we were at another location celebrating our memorial tribute to the greatest woman to ever live, my mother Mary Louise King… whom we called Leah. Added to my list was my cousin Robin, and over 100 “chosen family members” joined us as we cooked, danced, played chess, youth games and laughed the day away in the spirit Leah instilled in all of us. I gave a heartfelt tribute to Leah toward the end and everyone, from her friends down to youngest who remembered her, cheered.

Monday morning my brother Vaughn joined me as we spent introspective moments at the cemetery. When I got back to the City it was time to take Nancy to the airport, and pick up my niece Nachez for our dinner date. Taking my nieces on individual dates is a tradition we began 4 years ago before my mother died. She is off to college next week, after she turns 18 on August 23.

Tuesday evening it was time to meet my youngest sister, Usheevii for dinner. We were celebrating low/no budget lifestyles, so happily took the invitation to meet at my niece Viilorii’s apartment. Her brother, Tyvon met us there, as did my sister Zyt. I drove back to Charlotte on Wednesday, thankful for my family. I look forward to my next trip where I’ll be sure to see niece Naya (13) and great niece Gabrielle (13), who both left me messages about missing me that weekend.

Count the generations you still have in your family, and make each moment with them count.

Passing Thought

When people have weak leadership they become used to it, and have a hard time ascending to better. In some ways it's like not wanting to trust your feelings after dating a knucklehead... the next person gets the brunt of doubt. ~Sporty King

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Satin's POWER

Satin’s P.O.W.E.R.

          Pitiful, Perished and in the Past
          Outdated, Over and Off
          Weak, Worried and Weary
          Erased, Eliminated and
won’t Return

Yet before we can digest what his power is… we have to understand what it was:

Pretty, Pimpish, Patient, Plenty, Processed, Planned and Prospered as you let it
Outstanding, Overbearing and Outside of where you needed to be
Well (understood) the Word (to misinterpret it), about Worry, free Will and Worthless treasure as it Worked against you (While seemingly for you)
Effective, Exciting and screaming toward the Easy way out, so it could
Rob (you of your inheritance. Oh yes, it was) Real

Fortunately, our focus is better used on God’s POWER. Your focus here will help you laugh and appreciate why your spirit is sought after by the unseen. Your belief in yourself brings a smile to your face that requires no explanation, as you take another step toward your destiny. And when you think about things like the Biblical story of JOB, you realize that Satin had to ask for permission to attack. And his permission came with guidelines… even when he asked for an extension.

Why would you give power over your life to someone who has no power over your life? The devil is not getting in your way. He’s doing what God has allowed him to do… to show him that when you do what God has asked you to do, your power is second only to God’s. In other words it’s:

Plentiful, Patient, Present, Possible, Positive, Pure and activated by Prayer
Omnipotent, Overflowing, Order, Open, One and On duty every step of the way
Worthy, Wonderful, Worship, Wisdom, With Windows (of opportunity), and We always Win
Enjoyable, Effortless, Elastic, Emancipating and Everyone has a right to Experience it
Rewarding, Right, Reigns and Repeats its glory

I don’t explain God. I experience God. ~Sporty King
© 2008

Friday, August 13, 2010

A God Day

God doesn’t get a day off. So as you strive to live God-like, rejoice at the demands on your time. ~Sporty King

© 2009

I’m having a good day. I’ve been able to update my website with products. That’s where I'm focusing more, because I've got enough stuff to have a section in the Successories store. But a lot of things I started and didn't continue if they didn't sell fast enough… couldn't hold stock. That's also why I've picked up my pace on Blogging, Facebook and Twitter. Please go check out my progress, and see if there’s an inspirational product with your credit card (I mean, name) on it. :-)

Not that concerned with learning about Charlotte. I chose it because I liked it 27 years ago. It's not a matter of it 'maybe' working out. This is where I want to be right now, and it will work. Goal is not to speak locally as much as travel and have a place to come home and sleep. I'm looking to be more international. Thus a lot of what I'm doing is also putting systems into place so that I can hire a staff or at least a rep.

Will also be checking into some Toastmaster clubs over the next couple of weeks. I visited one in April when I was here getting my apartment. Might go there again, plus got invited to a new club. I like the new clubs because they keep me in a training mode, as well as close to knowing what audiences need.

I got my license plate last week, so I'm one step away from full Southerner... have to wait for registration to come in the mail. I already have my library card and have registered to vote. Not sure if I'm gonna put in an application to get my Southern Accent. I've enjoyed my Nu Yawk accent for too long. ;-)

What are you focusing your energy on… and how is your day going?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Give Your Word

Don’t give your word if you WON’T keep it… we know you CAN. ~Sporty King

© July 2010

During my first week in Charlotte I made a new turn (I don’t make wrong turns) and ended up somewhere I wasn’t planning to go. The woman on the intercom understood that I needed directions, so she invited me in to get a visual of where I needed to go. We struck up a wonderful conversation of blessings, right and left turns (still no ‘wrong’) as she welcomed me to Charlotte. She invited me to the church where her son pastored, and I said I’d visit within the month.

I visited 2 weeks later, and when she saw me she was puzzled as to where we had met. Upon my telling her that she has invited me, and about our conversation… she said, “You came! You kept your word. Most people don’t keep their word.” I gladly responded, “Then they shouldn’t have given their word.”

My word is very important to me. At the other end of it is my reputation. It has been several years now, but I’ve grown to the point where I don’t do ANYTHING I don’t want to do. I sit on that fine line people call “Brutally Honest” or “Refreshingly Frank.” Why think every moment could be your last, when you can know it… and believe in not having told a lie with your last breath? Thus, when I give my word I punctuate it by saying, “I don’t make promises… I give guarantees. Amateurs make promises.”

Who can you give your word today? They need to know that there is SOMEONE they can believe in.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

10-Year Blessing Certificate

Weeks ago a good friend of mine, Nat Queen, had a wonderful reunion with our 8th Grade English teacher, Mrs. Schweitzer. They gave me a call from Washington, DC as they sat enjoying lunch. As I got the chance to thank Mrs. Schweitzer for coming into my life 42 years ago, I mentioned to her my belief that teachers get a 10-Year Blessing Certificate. 10 years after they come into a child’s life, that child will have a different appreciation for what they shared.

Not every child gets the chance to say thank you to the many who sacrificed through their character development. Not every teacher gets the chance to experience that euphoria of being thanked. Mrs. Schweitzer told me about a colleague who was recognized by a waitress, who lauded over how she remembered her from 4th Grade. The waitress got the chance to treat the teacher like the celebrity she deserved to be.

With the help of the internet, Nat had tracked and reconnected with Mrs. Schweitzer after all these years, because she was the teacher who recommended him for a scholarship through the ABC (A Better Chance) Program. ABC sends inner city students to private high school, local or boarding. The 4 years Nat spent away at Lawrenceville School made a difference in his life. He’s a Harvard graduate who has worked in the banking industry, traveling back and forth between New York City and London, England… and is now an Episcopal Lay Minister.

I am an ABC alum as well. My school, Cranwell School in Lenox, Massachusetts, sparked my interest in upgrading the literary skills I now hone to make me a better writer, speaker and communicator… in retrospect, serving me well through my Wall Street Journal career. I shall now begin my search for Georgina Land, my 8th Grade Science teacher who recommended me to the ABC Program while I was in the 9th Grade.

I also thank Mr. Alexander, Mrs. Monroe, Mr. Rush, Mrs. Nonenbacker, Mrs. Klein, Mr. Foote, Ms. Saroka, Mrs. Fisherman, Mr. Smith, Ms. Wilson, Ms. Prince, Mrs. McCauley, Ms. Caldwell, Mr. Ceroni, Mr. Block, Mr. Plasse, Fr. Keegan, Fr. Farrell, Fr. Grogan, Mr. Rooney, Mr. Hart, Ms. Goings, and I’ll probably think of other teachers after posting this blog.

Who are some you’d like to thank? Feel free to post reasons as well.

The ABC Program is alive and well, now operating out of New York, NY. To learn more about the program go to

Monday, August 2, 2010

Going to Leaving

Each person/situation brings us a different lesson about ourselves. God had it planned all along. Move on to the next level by seeing that as one door closes you get to look out the windows and see your new choices.

© July 2010


Today I decided to see myself Leaving
For so often I focus on where I’m Going.
In the process I was able to see much was behind me

Sometimes [Going]
I anticipated how difficult my climb would be
as I visually measured the imposing mountains
fearlessly daring me to come closer

Now [Leaving]
I see them minimize and disappear
The ‘dares’ transformed to immobilized stares
as they become jealous at my freedom

Smaller and smaller,
my challenges seem to hide and vanish
and rewind into the harmless options they are…
For I could always choose another way to Leave

Surely Going will be less of a challenge tomorrow
© July 2010 Sporty King

Please share any lessons you’re learning from what you’re going through… and how you’ll leave them behind.

The Master of Listening

The Master of Listening
... and Smiling