Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How I Feel Affects Other People...

In 1995 I wrote I Found Out I'm Dying: A Celebration of Life in Spoetry. It's amazing how many people missed the subtitle, ultimately missing the message. After writing that book I began a wonderful journey and test of my faith. The challenge of marketing a speaking career based on the use of poetry took me on a roller coaster ride of fear and joy. It was during that ride that I grew and came to the realization of my deep belief in God and myself. That ride took me through Chapter 13 & 7 bankruptcies, foreclosure on my house, automobile repossession, used-car flashbacks, real estate and income tax troubles....

You see, these twists, turns and drops on the ride reminded me just how wonderful this gift of life is. They reminded me of just how alive I am. And that we must all recognize and remember that what we most enjoy about the roller coaster is the drop.


Actually, I've known it for quite some time now
Yet only at a surface level.
And, again, I thank you (God) for yesterday,
as much as I do for today.

And I ask that you (my friends) join me
in recognizing that the challenge
of this roller coaster ride called "life"
is even greater when you take responsibility
for your actions and self.

For as I am able to look at where I was, and what I did
It becomes more evident to me who I am.
And through that realization I extend my hand to touch you
Actually to feel you
Because in my position as Conduit of Good Spirits
The physicality of our sharing pales in comparison
To how and why we must love one another.

I found out I'm living.
And when I woke up this morning I praised that vision
That I might be allowed to ride His coat tails
And see Him in my every decision.

I sat by the window and took in another breath
For somewhere... somehow... someone else... didn't.
So I checked my five, for their alignment with my sixth sense
Thus my ability to experience... experience... experience... experience... experience...

While my smile sent a flush of joy to every tip
Of this temporary body I occupy
And came back in an unspoken word of comfort.

I read the Word to exorcise my soul of fear.
I recognized what other called miracles
As the blessings that were always there

I found out I'm living
And that I have been since Day Number One.
Yet it was not until I released my physical self
That I was really able to give God the glory
And thanks for all that I've done.

© 2006 Sporty King
”Your Name Came To Mind”
Available at

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The Master of Listening

The Master of Listening
... and Smiling