S.H.I.N.E. in 0-0-9
Inspire &
OK, it’s just an acronym, but does it make sense?
You see, what we see
And what we say
Carry over into others’ lives
And impacts their day
So we must measure our words
Recognize the spirits they touch
Know our words have a lingering effect
They can be too few… or even too much…
(Understand W.O.R.D.S.)
What Others Remember & Digest Strengthen Spirits
So often our actions are based on what we hear
If you prophesize failure and hopelessness
How can you end up with anything but despair?
For words go into the spirit
Then we share them with the next in line
If you speak of joy and the blessing of the next step
You’ll find that your walk is fine
When you speak, speak of excellence
For perfection cannot be reached
Make it your goal to preach what you practice
Beyond practicing what you preach
So as you find ways to help people
Start out by helping yourself
Exercise your mind… your body…
And please exercise your spiritual health
For each of us must keep growing
Keep finding new ways to enjoy your stay
God has brought us beyond a new year
S.H.I.N.E. and celebrate a Happy New Day
© Winter 2009 Sporty King