Monday, March 16, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

inding Ourselves Creates Unlimited Success
So often what keeps us back is the tendency to “over-value” other people’s opinions: “If I were you, I would do this.” [BULLETIN!!!] They have no idea what they would do if they were you, because they have no idea what they would do if they were themselves.

We live in a reactionary world, where the best you can hope for is that 9 times out of 10 you’ll do what’s representative of who you are, with no regret. Did you see the movie “Titanic” where the rich guy paid for his seat on the life raft? What happened to the noble women and children first we all ‘say’ we’d honor in a crisis?

A crisis is just that, and an opportunity to learn about yourself. Focus on you, and let others come into focus. As you learn about where you want to go, you start to see who’s willing to help you get there, and who’s willing to hinder your success.

But, hey... that's what I would do to S.H.I.N.E.!!!

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The Master of Listening

The Master of Listening
... and Smiling