Thursday, April 2, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

ittle Obstacles Strengthen Spirits
Of course no matter how focused you are, who among us has not experienced a loss? And who will not experience another? What’s the lesson? Let’s first look at what I’d consider the true challenge: the pace at which we come back from our losses.

When someone has a death in their family, I add to my condolences, “… wishing you not a fast, but a smooth recovery….”

While in the midst of a loss we often can’t fathom how we’ll make it out “this time.” In saying that, already the self-fulfilling prophesy has begun to weave its magic… you know you’re going to make it out. We may fight, scream or whine… but we’ve got a track record for making it.

Wisdom being what it is, in retrospect we see our ‘big loss’ as a bump in the road… an obstacle we thought we couldn’t overcome. After overcoming it, we feel better about ourselves and more confident in moving on with our lives.

Get stronger in this quicksand by exercising your faith….

Don't lose it... believe in your ability to S.H.I.N.E.


  1. Thanks for this. I am faith in action. Sometimes it is very challenging, and I don't like it. But, as you know. God is good!!

  2. And as so many forget... since we are made in the "image" of God, just as he is good... we can realize that he has put his name in our place. Thus, [We] are good!

    Challenges do not go away... they reformat. Come to embrace them and you will handle them with more ease.


The Master of Listening

The Master of Listening
... and Smiling