Sunday, April 3, 2011

How I Feel Affects Other People...

I embrace my memory lapses, not stress.

When I used to speak at Senior Centers in Chicago I always reminded them to not feel embarrassed when people said they were going senile. Instead, they should let people know that they are exercising their right to forget! We do learn so much in our lives that there's no way we can remember it all. Stuff has to get pushed out as new information comes in. Computers lose memory... why shouldn't we??? (wink)

So, believe me, it is just as precious to share the thought with you as it is to read or hear you. That's also why I call my inspirational acronyms "Passing Thoughts." For what we share are mental moments... thus my 2011 theme "Happy New Moments."

I am totally loving my life in the South. It has not been the adjustment people think I'd have to go through. Mostly because moving here was my choice, and a choice I made 1/4 century ago. What joy to hear, embrace and follow God's word. When we make the decision to do or be, our commitment lasts longer. Truth be told, that's why there are so many flakey relationships. People don't want to admit to society that they chose the wrong mate. Of course the good side is that many of those trials and tribulations become testimonies... yes, I think they should stay in there and work it out. "Enough" is an individual experience.

Keep making choices. You're very good at it, and you've made more good ones than bad. Keep enjoying the growth of your faith. There is nothing like the smile that takes over your spirit when you know you've just won another scuffle. Remember, the battle belongs to the Lord... and the war is always won with the winners rarely being who they were when it started.


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The Master of Listening

The Master of Listening
... and Smiling