Sunday, November 8, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

This poem was inspired by, and written to a 7th grade class in 1998. It is the message we must continue to send out to our children in reminding them that they are not our future. They are their future... our present.


... What each of you truly are ...
What most of us strive to be ...
I thank you for bringing new challenge into my life
Your affect was far more than you could see.
For, each smile, every round of applause (even the teeth sucking)
Reminded me of my youth ... A memory that confirms my growth.

Sure, it may seem like 100 years ago
And what you call ‘Bout It ... We called Cool.
But the message that never changes
is the reminder of hope and success:
To learn life’s best lessons ...
You have to stay in school.

But don’t just stay to take up space ...
Because the joke will be on you.
And it’s a joke that has no punch line,
Just confusion about what to do.

You see, right now you don’t need all the answers
You need questions, faith and love.
You need to believe in yourself more and more each day
And your true gang leader - the Lord up above.

For, from musty little 4 year old kids
to mellow 70 year old adults
He has truly welcomed us into this family and world.
His guidance will make strong men out of little boys,
And even stronger women out of little girls.

We don’t have to behave like clowns ...
but we choose to sometimes,
It’s safer than admitting how we feel.
At times it gives us the chance to exercise our imagination
And other times, it’s just a way of keepin’ it real.

Class Acts
... What each of you truly are ...
And the secret to maturing and living to be old ...
Stay focused on being your best
and making your choices right for you,
And thanks for letting me be a part of your life
During my day at the proud Black and Gold.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

If you're scared, you're in one of the best positions you could find yourself in. Why? Because when you're scared, it means you'll take your time, dot the eyes, cross the T's and get the job done. And though fear is not the best motivator, it's one of the most lasting. I hope you don't need to be scared into being successful. But if you are, you'll probably be more careful and be sure to make it last.



Well...not "the" Stevie Wonder
But he was a blind guy who I met at a concert.
And (OK) it was more like a conversation
that could've been an interview...

Anyway, he introduced himself as F.W. and we began:

He said he grew up around NYC - "No You Can't. . ."
Went to school at UCLA -
University on the Corner of Left-out Avenue. . .
Majored in Survival. . .
Lost his family in the supermarket. . .
And his favorite color was black. . . .
Needless to say, he had a sense of humor.

But his sense helped me enjoy the concert.
He taught me to touch the drums...taste the horns...
smell the bass...hear the melody...and see the crescendo....

F.W. wasn't born blind
As he put it, "It was an acquired skill"
And as he bid me good night, he said
"Swallow your pride and get a new cologne,
I may not see you around, but I'll be in touch."
I said "I hear you" - and we both laughed.

He gave me a Braille business card.
On the other side it said
All That I've Lost
Becomes My Gain

And his name,
Faith Walk

Reader, we are all on a Faith Walk. A Faith Walk is a necessary belief in yourself that says when one door closes, another will always open. Not that it would be a good idea... high probability... great thing to happen... another door will "ALWAYS" open. A Faith Walk is using our lives to live our lives. Recognizing that no obstacle is insurmountable, and that the only thing that we can't do is give up. In fact, I’ve got a new perspective for you: when one door closes, go for the windows! When you go for the windows you’ll put yourself in position to have a clear vision of what your choices are…
and we all have made good choices.

If you'll take the time to sit down and think about something or someone you've "lost," what you'll also tap into is the new level of strength you gained as a result. Before the loss, you probably thought you could never survive _____ or do without ____ . Yet you have. No, it may not have been easy.
Perhaps you mourned or were in pain
for several days, weeks, months, years...
yet you're handling it better than you thought you might.

Think about that loss and reread the above poem. Think about what you've seen someone else lose, and how they grew through the experience. Think about the blessing of the chance to use your life to live your life. Enjoy your Faith Walk… as you SHINE!

© 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

I’ve always used “Better, Easier, Smarter, Tougher” to describe this acronym… talking about how we grow through practicing and focusing on the basics to become successful.

Recently, a good friend of mine, who is beginning her journey toward becoming a professional speaker, asked me to be one of her mentors. As we began to take her steps, she asked for some insight. When I responded, she expressed her appreciation, and we volleyed online. Here is the volley:

Sylvia D.: Thanks, I tried to come up with an acronym for best, but couldn't, so, I just say, you are the BEST!

SK: Bible Encourages Sporty's Testimony
Basically Enabling Sylvia's Too

SD: What a gift!
SK: Yeahhhh, probably because
Believing Essentially Strengthens Testimonies

As you grow in your speaking ministry, the key will be to release your creativity and see the world through 'your' eyes, rather than your audience's. Instead of saying (to yourself) that you can't come up with something... find a way. After all, that's what you're instructing your audience to do...

SD: What a profound statement, "see the world through 'your' eyes, rather than your audiences". I read that over and over again. I believe part of my fear of speaking is because I think I don't have anything to say. In fact, the reason we go to hear "motivational" speakers is because their testimony may help us in some way in our own life. We, or at least I never think about the fact that in sharing their testimony, they are helping us to see the world in their eyes or in a "different way", thereby offering a different perspective to the challenge or challenges we might be facing at the time. That's what it's about helping people to see things differently.

Thanks for the insight!

Sorry for babbling

SK: Awareness usually equals babble because it equals excitement! Nothing more exciting than being connected to your personal power through God's word. (ooh, that's a good one... I'll have to use it again)

You've definitely got a message and a lot to say. Start with reading 1 Peter 11: Are you called to be a speaker? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Are you called to help others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then God will be given glory in everything thorough Jesus Christ.

I've got that posted at my desk to remind and strengthen me. What signs do you have on your walls at home or at work? That's where you feed.

Galatians 6:4-5
Be sure to do what you should, for then you will enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done your work well, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own conduct.

As I closed in my volley with Sylvia, I close in saying to you:

Pace yourself. You're on track,

Monday, October 5, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

One of the callings I enjoy is my conducting a Job Skills Training class at a family services center. Of course I start out reminding attendees that they are not to focus on a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) situation, when they should be focusing on L.I.F.E. (Lessons Intended For Everyone). Some of the lessons I share are through my original poetry. This one is a message “about” attendees, “to” messengers: case workers, educators, supervisors, parents, perhaps even you, and certainly me….


Every time I talk to my mirror
My revelation is the same
I can’t save the world
From all the injustice and the pain.

Yet, as I look around at the lives I touch
I’m reminded of something I fear
That my success might make me forget
About those who need me to care.

I could spend all my time with the media
And say that none of “them” are willing to work hard.
Or I can be thankful that I have the chance to make a difference
And recognize that chance as a grace from my God.

I can feed my spirit with my own personal thanks
Not “expecting” showers of praise from the people I serve
And I can relax knowing that I’ve done my best
Treating each person with the respect they deserve.

I can look back at the times I almost lost my temper
Now understanding that my disappointment was really concern
For who I thought was mature enough to take responsibility
Was actually only old enough to learn.

I can only help those who are willing to help themselves
By helping myself remain true
To the message I get from my mirror:
I can’t save the world
But I can save you!
© 2000 Sporty King

Friday, September 4, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand


Sample words that we sometimes mispronounce. Capital letters show syllable that creates the contrast. Words in the left hand column are proper spellings and pronunciations of each word. Underlined words are those that are spelled correctly in either column, yet are often misused.

Someone you know needs to know this for interview purposes, networking or on-the-job interaction, and everyday communication. Help someone know that they may be working on a “SPecific” challenge, rather than a “Pacific” one (we’re ‘Learning’, not ‘swimming’ in quicksand). ;-)

conVERSE.......................... CONversate

SPecific.............................. Pacific

wiTH.................................. wiF, wiT

SHrimp.............................. sKrimp

I’m a giant, not a shrimp. So I’m not going to wait 6 more weeks to begin using specific words to my best advantage. Statistics show that when we can converse with all kinds of people, we move to a higher level.

Whatever you do, remember that words are powerful…
and consonants make our words.
Use yours properly and help someone S.H.I.N.E.

Be careful of how you say what you say
And may your consonants be your confidence.
© R. King and Associates 2002

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

One thing people should be concentrating on right now is their vocabulary: teach one another that when we need to know something we “aSk” rather than “aX” questions. For, misuse of your vocabulary will certainly cut you out….

Someone you know needs to know this for interview purposes, networking or on-the-job interaction, and everyday communication. Help someone know that they may be “eSpecially” fond of working in a team environment, rather than “eXpecially” (would that mean they used to be?).

Over the next couple of Blogs I’ll pinpoint some of these words which I call “SpeechTalk,” because they are words that we sometimes mispronounce or misuse in everyday conversation.

Sample words that we sometimes mispronounce. Capital letters show syllable that creates the contrast. Words in the left hand column are proper spellings and pronunciations of each word.

ESpecially ......................... eXpecially

Essential ............................ Assential

COGnizant ......................... cogniSENT

IMpact ............................... INpact

STAtistic ............................ SAtistic

(getting ready to) .............. finna
(going to)

I’m especially excited about how my life decision will impact the people around me. It is essential that I stay cognizant of the fact that I am so career oriented that I’m a giant, not a shrimp. I’m glad I didn’t wait 7 weeks to participate in using specific words to my best advantage. Statistics show that when we can converse with all kinds of people, we move to a higher level. I’m going to make that move.

Be careful of how you say what you say
And may your consonants be your confidence

© R. King and Associates 2002

Whatever you do, remember that words are powerful…
and consonants make our words. Use yours properly and help someone SHINE.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

As we go to work on maintaining a positive vocabulary, consider that the opposite of ‘Right’ is not ‘Wrong,’ but LEFT (Lets Encourage Free Thinking). You don't have a right and a wrong side.

Giving only the choice of Right or Wrong sometimes pushes children away and causes insecurity and pressure… because they’re so scared of messing up… because they keep hearing about what “these kids of today” don’t know and can’t do.

I define ‘Wrong’ as somebody else’s opinion of something you did that didn’t benefit them. Everything you’ve done so far has been right, because it was right for you based on the information you had, to make the choice. As you learn better, you do better. Thus… and acronym we're familiar with - LIFE (Lessons Intended For Everyone) – never stop learning.

One thing people should be concentrating on right now is their vocabulary: teach one another to know that when we talk to someone we converse. There’s no such word as “conversate.” And use specific examples, not “pacific” ones. For, misuse of your vocabulary will certainly drown you….

Someone you know needs to know this for interview purposes, networking or on-the-job interaction, and everyday communication. Help someone know that one of their traits is that they are people or business “orienTED” … not “orienTAted!”

Over the next couple of Blogs I’ll pinpoint some of these words which I call “SpeechTalk,” because they are words that we sometimes mispronounce or misuse in everyday conversation. Maybe I should make a button that says, “Correct somebody’s vocabulary today!” hahahahaha

Whatever you do, remember that words are powerful… and consonants make our words. Use yours properly and help someone SHINE.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

Say that with me… [Thy Will Be Done]
That’s wasn’t too hard, was it?
Now try believing it.

I remember being down on my knees muttering those four words
And thinking that after the Kingdom arrived
All God’s plans would be fulfilled
(I remember thinking that)
Now I know it!

And what I know is that the Kingdom has arrived.
And the mysterious ways many have considered a part of God’s handiwork
are nothing more than the countless blessings in his crystal clear plans
that we are just not aware of.

So this new road we take to healing begins
With our latest testimony of appreciation for life.
A testimony that will last at least until we get out this door
and back to cursing drivers who cut us off…
Rolling our eyes at a teenage outfit… or blaming a small tree for a forest fire.
A testimony borne from tragedy that questions “Thy’s” W.I.L.L.
(What Is the Lord’s Lesson?)
How will I get through this one?
When will you lift this burden?
Where will I go from here?
Why me???

And his answer will be, “Are you done yet…”
(You see D.O.N.E. is Delivering my Omnipotent News Everyday)
“... or do you profess faith only in convenient retrospect?
I scheduled this day for you because JOB is no longer available.
I scheduled this day because I love you
And this new level is not made to have you question me…
But to help you understand me
Understand that what I want is for you to love me and live by me everyday.
How? Anger is controllable,
and will only blind you from the blessing I woke you up with today.
When? This pain is temporary,
yet temporary can last a long time.
Where? Loss is necessary and always precedes growth.
Why? Understand that even if you don’t, I’ll always love you.
I’m DONE.”
© 2005 Sporty King

Friday, June 26, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

aith Eventually Attracts Resources
When you step out on faith… people will doubt you based on their insecurity (“You left your job to do what???”). Few will support YOUR vision that THEY just cannot see, until THEY see YOU hang in there. Don’t be mad at them. Ultimately some will want to get on board so they can seem like the ‘reason’ for your success. Don’t worry about their reason. When you believe in yourself you invite others to believe in you… and they will!

Better, Easier, Smarter, Tougher
We set ourselves up for failure with the cliché, “Practice makes perfect,” because we can never attain perfection. And when we fall short, we beat ourselves into submission (“Stupid me. I did all that practicing and I didn’t make the team, get the promotion, or win the contest…”), and eventually we may even give up or surrender (“… I won’t waste my time going through all of that again.”). Always do your best. Practice doesn’t make perfect. It prepares you to succeed.

However, just like no gain without pain… we’ve got to understand our T.E.S.T.: Trials, Experiences & Stress are Temporary. Thus, what we should concentrate on is Time, Expectation, Spirituality and Triumphs. We’ve all been through something. Why would you think you won’t make it through something else? Patiently measure your steps, trust in your faith and get your testimony.

Stay brave and do what you believe will help you overcome the next hurdle, so that you will continue to learn to S.H.I.N.E.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Fathers' Moments

Ricardo "Rick" King March 31, 1931-October 27, 2002

There are two sets of children in my family. The oldest 3, of which I am one, experienced my father, Ricardo King, leaving when we were 3, 2 and 1 year old. However he can never be called a dead-beat dad.

He and my mother were “2 Chiefs… no Indians” and agreed to live their lives apart. It was not a case of his having any kind of free reign to come and go, with my mother being one of his women. They separated… no divorce.

I can’t remember the stretch of time not hearing from him, though I remember my mother once telling a story of how many years we hadn’t. I do remember how frequently I heard from him, and how his not being there seemed entirely natural. His calls were to express his love by checking to see if we needed to be disciplined. He called it a “Home Sweep.”

A Home Sweep was where each of us got a whipping, when all of us deserved one. For example, if I messed up in school in January… I had to wait for my brother and sister to go against my mother’s rules or mess up as well, before he would come over and share his belt. Thus, it could be 2-3 months before all 3 of us deserved a whipping.

We’d congregate in the same room and watch one another get their turn, as he ‘preached’ with each swing about how he couldn’t understand our not valuing an education and having a good mother to take care of us. I can’t count the number of times I heard about how he would’ve become President of the United States if he were allowed to go beyond his 6th grade education… if he had had a decent mother…. The Home Sweeps were always about those 2 topics.

My mother would calmly come to the door and signal him when she felt it was time to stop. Of course he’d get in another minute or two before she’d come back and really tell him to stop. He would either leave, or sit and talk with her for a while. No matter what their differences, they respected one another. And I learned to respect them both.

Living with my mother, I could see some of my father’s short comings. However, there were some that I learned were his standing tall as a man. I chose to adopt some while rejecting others. I chose him as my role model of what it takes to focus on being the man of the person I am today. Besides my now understanding the Home Sweep as one of his ways to stay in my life, and guide me to appreciate what he could only dream of, here are some of the values he instilled toward my development.

* Treat women good, so that your sister won’t be mistreated
* Never wear another man’s name on your back (sports jerseys)… it means they own you
* Work with people… at a company… for yourself
* Be on time
* You lie to those you fear… and you should fear no man

He never once said he loved me. I never once doubted that he did.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

aving Over-Powered Evil
My expectation of God is what he gives me in the end... not how he treats me getting there.
© 2009

I posted the above on my weekly inspirational message, “Passing Thoughts,” and received the following addition, which I thought would be a nice share.

"My thought on this: if I (or we) continue to move in the light of understanding that all we have to do is just keep moving forward with Love… the path always keeps opening to new opportunity for me to express my divine wisdom. It’s an inside job. If you think you can, then you can. IT's ALL GOD."
- Anthony Jackson

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

Simply Marvelous And Right on Time
This is truly a great time to reclaim our relationship with our children. We hear people say that children are our future. I believe that children are their future… while being our present, and what we say and do with them today is what’s really important. When we surrender them to the media and negativity, we set them up to fulfill a prophecy of failure. When we tell a young boy he’s gonna be just like his no good daddy… we plant a seed. When we tell a young girl she’s so damn fast and is gonna grow up to be a tramp with that attitude… we plant a seed.

When we tell a young boy that he’s smart and handsome… we plant a seed. When we tell a young girl she’s smart and pretty… we plant a seed. Take notice that intelligence comes first.

Additionally, when we see little girls and tell them how we wish them to grow up to be sweet young ladies, what we must also be mindful of is telling them how smart they are and wish them to grow up to be happy.

If you haven’t told the little girls in your life how to enjoy life, other people will… and their formula may not be the best. Remind little girls (and boys) to be smart... and you will surely S.H.I.N.E.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

I don’t have an acronym for RESPECT… and won’t make one here. Instead, I ask you to enjoy this message extracted from my book of respect, the Bible.

The Bible I read gives modern day application to scripture, broken down periodically by topic. What follows is not what is written in the Bible, but what has been extracted and applied. If you are a reader of the Bible, you can read the scripture for additional connection. Doing so is not required to embrace the need for RESPECT as we S.H.I.N.E.:

Exodus 20:12
All of the 10 Commandments deal with our priorities of honor, or respect. The 1st and 2nd commandments tell us to honor God above everything else. The 3rd commands us to honor his name. The 4th to honor the Sabbath, and the 5th, to honor parents. The last 5 commandments tell us to honor others in our community – not to murder them (6), not to defile them with adultery (7), not to steal from them (8), not to lie to them or against them (9), and not to want what they have (10). Proper respect for God and others – that is the heartbeat of the 10 Commandments.
- Touch Point Bible (© 1996, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Take a Moment... or Two... or Three....

Mary Louise “Leah” King August 15,1931- January 14, 2007

aking Ongoing Memories
One of my favorite memories of my mother is her baking a cake. Oh no, not the actual cake and how it tasted after filling the apartment with that sweet aroma of anticipation… or fighting over who got the first piece. The memory is of the days before we owned a cake mixer or could afford buying cake mix from the store. Leah made the cake from scratch with carefully memorized and measured ingredients. She would mix the ingredients in a bowl over the sink. But before she’d start the “mixing” my brother, sister and I would stand on both sides and behind her… hold onto her waist… and get “a ride” as she shook while stirring the bowl.

One day we’d grow old enough to go to amusement parks, laugh, scream, line up, eat and ride.... I’d say we got a pretty good start right there in our apartment in Grant Projects… Harlem, NYC. I know that my younger brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews all benefited from that joy and continue to Make Ongoing Memories and make our family S.H.I.N.E.
What’s one of yours?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

Let’s stay with J.O.Y. Just One You ...

Ever have someone say, “If I were you I’d [do this or that]”? The fact of the matter is, only you can be you. And as you focus on that blessing, it becomes clearer what you would do. Ask yourself, “What would I do if I were me?”

None of us will make the history we were born to make if we do not concentrate on being ourselves. Sometimes people think they want to be someone else, or that the grass is greener on the other side. The truth is, it’s only grass… and (who knows) maybe their water bill is higher. And no one’s looking for a higher water bill these days.

What we’re looking for is the best way to celebrate the joy of being who we are… giving us the chance to know how important it is that we allow ourselves to S.H.I.N.E.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

J.O.Y. & W.I.N.
Do you sometimes have a hard time being you? Imagine trying to be someone else. This is no time to “fake it until you make it.” You can honestly only be good at being you. Whenever you try to be someone else you will fail. So focus on that J.O.Y., knowing there is Just One You. When people say, “Only you would do that!” realize that without you… “that” wouldn’t get done. There is no greater joy than to celebrate being you. “That” is your guarantee for success.

Your success will come from your definition of success. You see, winning is personal: What I Need. Each of us has a personal win that makes us a valuable member of every team. Remember, when the Chicago Bulls had a dynasty, a win for Dennis Rodman wasn’t how many points he scored… it was the rebounds he got. For Michael Jordan, it wasn’t the rebounds… it was the points. He took it to another level… how many steals, assists… stopping his man from scoring. As each member of the Bulls understood their personal win they put together a dynasty.

Likewise, you are a valuable member of each team as you understand what makes you a winner. Life is also about going from one puzzle to another. In each case you are a small, medium or large puzzle piece. However, no puzzle is complete if one piece is missing. You are that important piece of the puzzle. Continue to learn about who you are, and how you S.H.I.N.E.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

P.E.E.R. Pressure & Keeping up with the J.O.N.E.S.
Tough times put a lot of pressure on our young people, as parents tighten their budgets. However it is the P.E.E.R. (Parents Experiencing Excellence in Retrospect) Pressure that does them in the most. This is where parents (or elders) decide that they had no “whimsical wants” and made no “oops” decisions in their younger lives.

“You’re 13 now, you should know better.”

Why should they know what at which age? And when did you really learn the lessons you know today? Now is not the time to transfer anger to children. You’ll always make better, lasting connections when you admit you’re human.

Go on and have a flashback to when you were a teenager. Let them know that you were able to redirect your life after “actually” thinking some of the things, and feeling some of the ways they do. Then you can transfer that S.O.B. (Stretching Of the Budget) speech to your new expectations of them....

And whatever you do… don’t keep up with the J.O.N.E.S. (Just Our Neighbors' Expensive Stuff). Everyone will recover at a different pace. Let your respect for one another grow, and help according to where you see fit.

Don’t under or over-estimate your ability to S.H.I.N.E.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

ittle Obstacles Strengthen Spirits
Of course no matter how focused you are, who among us has not experienced a loss? And who will not experience another? What’s the lesson? Let’s first look at what I’d consider the true challenge: the pace at which we come back from our losses.

When someone has a death in their family, I add to my condolences, “… wishing you not a fast, but a smooth recovery….”

While in the midst of a loss we often can’t fathom how we’ll make it out “this time.” In saying that, already the self-fulfilling prophesy has begun to weave its magic… you know you’re going to make it out. We may fight, scream or whine… but we’ve got a track record for making it.

Wisdom being what it is, in retrospect we see our ‘big loss’ as a bump in the road… an obstacle we thought we couldn’t overcome. After overcoming it, we feel better about ourselves and more confident in moving on with our lives.

Get stronger in this quicksand by exercising your faith….

Don't lose it... believe in your ability to S.H.I.N.E.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

inding Ourselves Creates Unlimited Success
So often what keeps us back is the tendency to “over-value” other people’s opinions: “If I were you, I would do this.” [BULLETIN!!!] They have no idea what they would do if they were you, because they have no idea what they would do if they were themselves.

We live in a reactionary world, where the best you can hope for is that 9 times out of 10 you’ll do what’s representative of who you are, with no regret. Did you see the movie “Titanic” where the rich guy paid for his seat on the life raft? What happened to the noble women and children first we all ‘say’ we’d honor in a crisis?

A crisis is just that, and an opportunity to learn about yourself. Focus on you, and let others come into focus. As you learn about where you want to go, you start to see who’s willing to help you get there, and who’s willing to hinder your success.

But, hey... that's what I would do to S.H.I.N.E.!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

essons Intended For Everyone
Every situation in your life begets a lesson. Sometimes the message is positive. Sometimes the lesson is negative. If you keep on enjoying the “option” to live, there will be a lesson. And it’s easier to follow a negative role model than a positive one. Why? Because we defiantly refuse to follow the path set by someone’s negativity. We resolve to not be like that person… never allow that to happen to us… to be sure we make better choices.

However, we tend to shy away from the lessons of positive role models because we become shy and doubt our ability to rise to the level set by successful people. We justify not having the same resources… being unable to sustain that intensity… feeling we can’t be as good as our heroes. We surrender to S.I.L.L.Y. reasons to keep ourselves back.

Self Imposed Limitations Lie to You
Take a moment, sit down, and think about some of the things you once told yourself you couldn’t (or wouldn’t) dare do. As you add up the number of hurdles that you ended up eclipsing, laugh at the SILLY reason you used to keep yourself back.

Laugh at anything that threatens your S.H.I.N.E.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Learning in Economic Quicksand

You know I will always contend that words are powerful (follow the Blog stream if you missed it). Thus I encourage you, as we begin this series on “Learning in Economic Quicksand” that you refocus on a positive vocabulary. One of the things I’ve decided to stop saying is that I’m broke, don’t have the money, or can’t afford it. Instead I say…

My Money’s On Vacation
But it said it would be back soon.

My hand came out of my pocket empty the other day
I checked the other one, the two in the back…
But it was all in vain
My money had gone away

I looked under the bed…
The closet shelves overhead
The back of the drawer…
Behind the bathroom door
It wasn’t stuffed in the mattress…
I even double checked my address
I tried the cookie jar…
The glove department in my car

I called, it didn’t answer…
Did it ignore me like Caller I-D?
My voice echoed in my head,
“Where, oh where can it be?”

I checked my check book…
Took into account my bank account
The shoe box didn’t have a red cent
The truth is I have no idea where it actually went

No matter where I looked I couldn’t see it
Couldn’t hear it, feel it, taste it,
and I couldn’t pick up the scent
Still I remain pretty confident it’ll show up
Right around the time to help me pay the rent

So I'm waiting for my money
to come back from vacation
It said it'd be back in moderation
Hasn't lied to me yet, what can I say
Though there are times
where it called and extended the stay

Thankfully it has been more prone
to show up when I least expected it...
Right on time... and I’ve never rejected it
It returns totally rejuvenated
Yet ready to leave again
But hey, that's what money does
It’s a different kind of friend

You see, Money’s always on the go
It’s not partial to the summer…
Has no problem with the snow
Doesn’t wither in the fall…
Nor jump ship in the spring
So I’ve gotten used to it being on vacation
It’s really no big thing

My money is on vacation
But it said it would be back soon
I suggest that you have a conversation with yours
And your life will keep playing in tune
© January 2009

Learn that your life is more important than money, because life comes with non-stop lessons. This is a good time to build and rebuild relationships that are important toward maintaining your spirit of faith over fear… helping you S.H.I.N.E. in 0-0-9.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine Moments


I could almost make out your figure
Through the darkness in which we sat
So I sat and I listened
And I felt your every word
As they lingered in the black.

I closed my eyes...
But I opened them shortly...
For I missed you in that span.
Your fragrance enticed my nostrils
Your voice welcomed me back
Your actions called for my attention
Your wisdom rang in my ear.
You kept me up late last night
And you weren't even here.
© 1975

Realize that someone is always thinking about you, and thus you are always loved. Every expression of love is equal to the happiest of Valentine's Moments, as is every expression of self love. Spread, share, enjoy... and S.H.I.N.E. ...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Does a J.O.B. Define Your L.I.F.E.?

I listened to radio station V103/Chicago discussing whether or not men let a job define them. I didn’t get the chance to get through, so here’s my take.

To me a job is J.O.B. – Just Over Broke! Now, that’s not one of my original acronyms, but I don’t know who to give the credit to. So as I teach my Job Skills Training class I open each class by reminding attendees that we are not put on this earth be just over broke, but to flourish… thus, I upgrade the class to being one that focuses on L.I.F.E. – Lessons Intended For Everyone. See, that’s one of mine.

Let’s focus on the joy in getting another opportunity to experience this gift we have been granted today. Today you have another chance to learn something about yourself through your experiences.

Thus, back to the concept of self-definition…. My father raised me to understand that I work with people, at a job, for myself… the truth being that that mindset makes you valuable to every company. Because there is something you’ll do for you, which you might not do for the company. And when you do, they’ll benefit. A job does not define you. It is a segment in a life that should S.H.I.N.E.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Every Dream Needs a Source and a Seed...

I watched HIStory unfold from my seat before the TV... and what a great spectator site it turned out to be. I took over 120 pictures with my iPhone, and consider this to be one of my favorites. May it remind you of the responsibility we have to be on the minds of our young people. Thus we must choose our words carefully when speaking with them.

When we sow positivity, W.O.R.D.S. = What Others Remember & Digest Strengthen Spirits: You look great... I'm so proud of you... You're such a blessing... I'm glad you're so lively....

When we sow negativity, W.O.R.D.S. = What Others Remember Destroys Spirits: You look terrible... I'm so ashamed of you... You'll never amount to anything... I wish you were never born....

What are your words doing?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Yes HE Did...

Are you really watching what God does... or do you think it's a coincidence that the inauguration is the Dr. King weekend finale? Are we all really ready for this long time coming change and chance to be free at last?

I am.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Step Back... and Redirect!

So often we hear the term, "Turn your life around...." However, because I believe so intently in the power of words, I submit that you "Step back... and Redirect!" (In fact, this is the title of my next book)

The difference being that one states heading in the wrong direction, while the other acknowledges the blessing of recognizing the wear of the road traveled, and the option to change.

When we understand our right to make choices we move toward individual excellence.

S.H.I.N.E. in 0-0-9

S.H.I.N.E. in 0-0-9

Inspire &
OK, it’s just an acronym, but does it make sense?

You see, what we see
And what we say
Carry over into others’ lives
And impacts their day

So we must measure our words
Recognize the spirits they touch
Know our words have a lingering effect
They can be too few… or even too much…

(Understand W.O.R.D.S.)
What Others Remember & Digest Strengthen Spirits
So often our actions are based on what we hear
If you prophesize failure and hopelessness
How can you end up with anything but despair?

For words go into the spirit
Then we share them with the next in line
If you speak of joy and the blessing of the next step
You’ll find that your walk is fine

When you speak, speak of excellence
For perfection cannot be reached
Make it your goal to preach what you practice
Beyond practicing what you preach

So as you find ways to help people
Start out by helping yourself
Exercise your mind… your body…
And please exercise your spiritual health

For each of us must keep growing
Keep finding new ways to enjoy your stay
God has brought us beyond a new year
S.H.I.N.E. and celebrate a Happy New Day
© Winter 2009 Sporty King

The Master of Listening

The Master of Listening
... and Smiling