Tuesday, February 9, 2010

OK, I’ve moved the move-date to July 6.

As mentioned, I've wanted to move to Charlotte for a long time. Both of my relocations have been career moves through Wall Street Journal. I've never moved for "me," just because I wanted to. And doing what I want to do is important to my spirit and psyche. So I'm moving to Charlotte because I want to and because I can. I give everyone free reign to attach as many alternative reasons, good or bad, as they want to. But let me tell you what God has been doing….

Remember, he is the Planning Committee, while I am on the Implementation Crew. Enter one of my favorite acronyms: F.E.A.R. (Faith Eventually Attracts Resources). Since I announced this move I have reconnected with a friend I’ve known since 5th grade, who has let me know that I do have ‘family’ in Charlotte. She will help me find a place to live. Another friend whom I met through an annual speaking engagement with the National Black MBA Association has offered business connections. Following up on his lead, I have a meeting with the Urban League April 6, when I go down (April 3-6) to choose housing.

I mentioned to my Job/Life Skills Training class that I was going to stay in Chicago May and June, while living as “bill-free” as possible to have some starter cash. One of the students asked if I had friends like that. (Because I hadn’t thought about it in any detail) I told him that I didn’t know… but that my friends had a person willing to ask. :-) I asked my friend, whom I met my 2nd week after moving to Chicago, if I could stay at her place in June. She said yes, while adding that since I’ve been volunteering to count and sort her Taste of Chicago tickets for 3 years, I am not released until July 4.

Thus my July 6 move date.
Back up a step… and let’s put this puzzle together.

I’ll PICK a place to live in April… sign a lease that begins in June… drive my stuff down the first week of June… put it in my new place… drive back to Chicago and live out the last month. WOW, this relocation stuff is no joke. A lot of detail, and I can see why they have departments dedicated to it. I'm doing a great job of connecting the dots. And the vision is growing each day. Still adjusting and creating my time lines.

Too Much Information??? Not really.
Too Much Excitement!!!I appreciate you,


  1. I am very inspired that the dreams and intentions you have are coming together. I've been working on putting my intentions on paper and writing out my dreams. For me, it hasn't been that easy...but it is very necesssary. So when I see blessings coming to my friends and neighbors, I am encouraged because I know then, that God is in the neighborhood and should be passing by my place soon.

    Let me dig and see who I know in Charlotte as well. Love your enthusiasm. Joleen

  2. Dig on and always My Captain. And laugh with me if I make it sound easy. It's actually gotten easier for me once I took the bold step of announcing my intent. That also helped me not be afraid to be too proud to change my mind. Yes, the walk is truly in God's neighborhood, and I love you for knowing that he gets the glory for what I share.

    1 Peter 11 says, "Are you called to be a speaker? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Are you called to help others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then God will be given glory in everything through Jesus Christ."

    Remember, in the long run, it's EASY - Expect Angels to Save You... pray and get out of the way.

    I appreciate you Joleen!


The Master of Listening

The Master of Listening
... and Smiling