Tuesday, July 27, 2010


When speaking before an audience your focus must be on 'you' ... not the audience. How you deliver your message is key. And the focus on you does not exclude the audience... it adds value, in that as you reach you with the truth, whomever else you're supposed to reach, God will handle...
© May 2010

As I humbly soaked in the celebration party thrown for me in Chicago on June 24… I was blessed to deliver the following message. To quickly set the scene, picture that there was a sign posted as people entered, saying “Fair Well Sporty.” Thus I began by telling the audience that we had purposely spelled “FAIR” that way to create the message.

The F is for F.E.A.R. (Faith Eventually Attracts Resources). Stepping out on faith is far more than a cliché. People don't jump to support you, because they can't see your vision. They wonder why you would leave security to test God's will. Once they see that you are serious about your gift, they begin to support you. My move is a sign of how I have to comply with the Biblical principle that we are honored away from home and family...

A is for Angel, and is in the middle of my life belief that it's EASY (Expect Angels to Save You)... pray and get out of the way. We have to believe so strongly in what we're doing, because we 'do' know that we're sitting among angels who may take us down the path we need. Being who you are gives you access to that blessing. A radio personality from WGCI sang her original song before I spoke. It had something to do with being easy to love, etc... She rocked.

I is for God... I am! And it reminds us that we have to put ourselves first. You can't help anyone without helping yourself, and you can't help anyone who doesn't want your help. Take care of your physical, mental and spiritual well being, to be the biggest aid you can to share your gift with the world. I'm making this move as Joseph in Genesis... going forward to prepare a way. I empower audiences to look out for themselves... how could I not do the same for myself?

R is for R.I.S.K. (Recognition Is Success' Key)... when you know who you are, you take more chances, and you get more challenges. As you walk (move) toward God's will/destiny for you, obstacles MUST come in your way because you are taking on the blessing you were sent to. The Devil now has to step up his efforts to side track you. However, God just lets him create stumbles. Remember, Satan had to 'ask' for permission to attack JOB... and you. I don't give him credit for anything that happens in my life. Why would I give credit to someone who has to ask for permission? God creates the stumbles to prove I am following his trail.

Stay creative and keep moving forward in your business and life. Don't worry; you can't get rid of me just because of mileage. Stay focused on the outgrowths of your success, rather than concerning yourself with the fatalities. Remember, just like a game of chess, someone has to be sacrificed for the greater good. If you seek the good, I'm glad to be in position to help when/where I can.

Who have you reached lately, just by reaching/being you?

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The Master of Listening

The Master of Listening
... and Smiling