Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How I Feel Affects Other People...

Here's what I wrote to a friend who is concerned for his sons being the only child of their ethnic background in their class... on their block... on their team....

Our children and their generation are moving more toward a multicultural existence. We hinder them from progress by keeping them believing in statistics from the past. Are we really "learning" from the past with our own flashbacks?

Children are in class with taller, fatter, smarter, cleaner, glasses wearing, deformities and children who look just like them but don't want to associate with them....

Keep giving your sons the love and direction at home, so they can lead their classmates to better understanding. Remember, Jesus was not accepted when he burst onto the scene. We get to choose the parts of the Bible we'll govern our lives by (do we?), so I lead you to Matthew 10:16-20, and try Acts 5:41... before putting a twist on what could ring a bell in Acts 7:6-7.

They're YOUR sons. Make them ready. Coach them for the long run.

~ http://www.sportyking.com/

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The Master of Listening

The Master of Listening
... and Smiling