Saturday, October 9, 2010

How I Feel Affects Other People...

Little Obstacles Strengthen Spirits

When my mother died I thought about certain meals I wouldn't get again. No, not immediately... but I mention this to make the point that we all take our loved ones for granted, believing they'll be there at all times. All the time knowing that they may not.

When I resolved to face my mourning and instead of blocking out the fact that she was gone, I embraced it. I took on the challenge of replicating my favorite meals. In the process, no way did they come out "just like mom used to make." But they brought her back to me as I ceremoniously seasoned and prepared the foods that she instinctively threw together. Cooking is now one of the many traditions I use to be at peace in my mother's spirit.

When I watched her take her last breath it was the biggest feeling of emptiness and powerlessness I will ever experience. Living on for her has made me stronger, on this my walk toward spiritual growth.

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The Master of Listening

The Master of Listening
... and Smiling